Our timeline of client and open-source projects.
- Launch 3NUM Shield on January 24thCreate minting application and smart contracts for launch of 3NUM Shield, the first Web3 mobile number minted as a NFT that protects your identity and provides private, secure messaging.
- Upgrade nextjs-starter to Next.js v13Includes new approach for laying out Next.js projects. This version ports the v12 '/pages' approach to new experimental '/app' approach.
- Launch POGMAN Battle Tournament on Fractal.isCreate battle game website. Integrates with Unity-based game, and Fractal's wallet and leaderboard functionality. Allows players to choose a Web3 community to play for. Over 4 million Pogs flipped and 250,000 games played in the first 5 days.
- NFT Seattle 2022Attend Seattle's inaugural NFT conference.
- Launch Developer DAO AcademyMember of the core team to release the first version of Developer DAO's web3 education site. Also contributed a lesson on automated testing of Solidity contracts.
- Launch Pogger Coin Staking on SolanaIntegrate with Solana staking platform to allow Founding Poggers to stake their Pogs and earn Pogger coin.
- Release create-solana-tokenDocument process of creating a Solana Token and managing the token safely with multisig.
- Launch Developer DAO for UkraineDeveloper DAO for Ukraine is a fund-raiser to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine.
- Pioneering Women ExhibitAttend Pioneering Woman opening exhibit at Seattle's NFT Museum.
- Launch Pixel DevsCreate Solidity contracts on Polygon to support minting avatars for members of the Developer DAO.
- Solana Hacker HouseAttend Solana Hacker House in Seattle.